we both figured we ought to try something new and different, and as a result, decided to go for these things called, singularly, faluda/falooda:
does this shit look radioactive to you? because i personally found it visually intimidating. a bunch of pink worms? okay, fine i know it's vermicelli, but jeebus, couldn't you find a way to make it slightly more edible looking? it reminds me a small bowl of worms, which i find repulsive...
anyway. faluda is, according to wikipedia, "a popular beverage in the Indian subcontinent made primarily by mixing rose syrup with vermicelli and tapioca seeds along with either milk or water". except ours were mixed with some kind of ice cream.
imo, the concoction was mostly syrup, which made me feel extremely nauseated (overkill with the sugar). from what i could tell, the ice cream wasn't too bad. elaine seemed to find the vermicelli pretty decent, but if i remember correctly, she didn't feel so hot after deciding to consume the entire thing...
i, pussy that i am, was unable to deal with the oversweet/syrup-yness of the thing, and chucked it about 2/3 the way through.
oh yes, in another non-chocolate related snacking incident, elaine and i tried that thing called frozen yoghurt (yuppie/hipster food) with fruit in ireland. pretty good, if (ridiculously) overpriced.
i decided to get this in ireland, for old times's sake, because a) i hadn't seen this in the UK, and apparently, it isn't sold here, and b) like i said, for old times's sake. i think i may have moved on (mostly) from chocolate and onto another (unhealthier? debatable) endeavor - siroopwafelen and haribo tangfastics.
anyway, moro is nougat, cookie and caramel filling, and milk chocolate covering. apparently this is sold in england as star bar? eh, whatever. at least the packaging is different...
anyhow, after my long hiatus away from cadbury chocolates, my attempt to rekindle the flames of my chocolove didn't work out so well. the moro is, though not syrupy, a disturbing kind of sweet. enough to give you a sugar high, and then a nice fat sugar crash. if you tried to have two or more of these in one sitting, you ought to be concerned about contracting diabetes.
although you probably don't consume as much sugar as i do in a single week/day/sitting, so you probably have nothing to worry about.
i really can't postpone studying any longer, now can i?