Friday, May 1, 2009

Austria, marzipan-licious (or not)

purchased in vienna: mozartkugeln.

chocolate + marzipan.

something i quickly discovered while in austria: i cannot has marzipan. i don't know what it is about the texture - its weird congealed quality that isn't really smooth and has a bizarre, sugary/almondy taste. yes, wrapped in chocolate. but i dunno. this isn't apparently even the "original mozartkugel", so maybe that's why i wasn't so impressed. although, to be fair, it was the best that i tried that had marzipan - but i think that's mostly due to the fact that it was so small, comparatively.

poor mozart.

they've commercialized the bejeezus out of his balls.

this was a gigantic truffle thing with a really fluffy chocolate inside. not so much tasty as it was ridiculously sweet.

chocolate with this weird cherry in the center. it was alright - i think they must have pickled the poor cherry to bits, because it definitely had a ridiculous amount of alcohol in it (waaay too much - i remember actually choking because it was so unexpectedly strong). and this, the day of my daughter's wedding!

needless to say, though a lot of things about vienna were disappointing, none more so than my self discovery project.

oh, wait, here's more marzipan that i have nothing substantial or useful or really even interesting to say, other than that i consumed it (admittedly, all these sans mozartkugel on the same day...):

again with the marzipan. DAMNIT!

well, i guess there's one important lesson that i learned from Austria: i do not like marzipan at all. i think my distaste for that particular variety of sweet is strong enough so that i have no right to share my opinion about any of the chocolate i consumed that contained marzipan.

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