Not exactly sure what the official reason is, but I would guess because it is very filling. The Yorkie is a essentially a solid chocolate bar from outer appearance, but inside, there is a slab of biscuit about one-third the thickness of the entire Yorkie lining the bottom of the bar and the remaining two-thirds is raisins and chocolate. All of this is really densely packed together. I bought a bar with 5 breakoff-able chunks. This bar got me through Math Finance and afterward, I didn't need to eat lunch anymore. It was that filling, even more filling than the Cadbury Picnic, and also much sweeter because it has a higher chocolate content.

I really liked the Yorkie. Of course, I'm a fan of any chocolate candy that has raisins in it that can trick me into thinking it's good for me in some way. This is probably the most overwhelming bar of its size that I've ever eaten because of the biscuit and dense chocolate action. Chocolate quality was standard milk chocolate, not very memorable, but not bad at all.
I also tried the Nestlé Yorkie McFlurry a while back, and it tasted nothing like the candy bar. I'm not even sure that there were raisins in it.
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